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Discuusje gebruker:Cycn

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Van Wikipedia

Welkom ip de West-Vlamsche Wikipedia, Hollandsche gebruker Cycn ;-) --Zeisterre (overleg) 20 jan 2015 12:33 (UTC)[reageren]

can you translate this article in your language?

[brontekst bewerken]

Wish the best for you ... Could you please write a article in your languge, based on "Laki_dialect" or لکی??? """"Please. Article about Laki_dialectis . If you do that, please put interwiki link into English version. "" --Hosseinblue (overleg) 12 jan 2016 15:04 (UTC)[reageren]

This is actually not my language, so you may want to ask someone else. And interwikis shouldn't be put on the English version, or any other version for that matter, but on Wikidata. You can reach the Wikidata entry from the English version, or any other version for that matter as well. Cycn (overleg) 17 jan 2016 22:19 (UTC)[reageren]